E-bike drives

The motor is the heart of the e-bike. But how does it work and what different types of e-bike drive are available?

E-bike with belt drive

For city riders as well as for riders who spend a great deal of time on their bicycles or enjoy travelling very long distances, a belt drive offers a number of advantages worth considering. Learn more here!

Chain drive

The most common kind of drive system used on bicycles is the chain drive. But how exactly does a chain drive work, what advantages does it offer, and can a belt drive be a better alternative?

Mid-drive motor

One of the most popular types of drive system is the mid-drive motor. What a mid-drive motor is and what distinguishes it from other e-bike motors is explained here.

Bosch E-Bike Motor

Bosch is one of the market leaders in e-bike drive systems. Here, we explain which Bosch e-bike motors are available and the applications for which they are best suited.


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