Everyday tips & tricks for your e-bike

Here you will find a comprehensive collection of helpful articles to help you get the most out of your e-bike. Whether you're looking for maintenance tips, safety instructions or practical advice for everyday use - we've got you covered. Be inspired and find out about the latest trends and technologies that make your e-bike experience even more enjoyable and dynamic.

Ein Mann befestigt seine zwei Kalkhoff E-Bikes an seinen Fahrradträger vom Auto für den Transport

Transporting an e-bike

Moving house, a weekend getaway, a bicycle vacation – there are many occasions for which you might want to transport your e-bike. Read on to learn about the best way to transport your e-bike.

Bicycle trailers

A bicycle trailer lets you transport everything from children and pets to groceries and building materials from point A to point B by bicycle in complete comfort. There are different types of trailers for different uses.

Bicycle rack

A bicycle rack allows you to transport your bicycles safely with a car or camper van. Bicycle racks come in a number of different types.

Mann putzt mit seinem Lappen über seinen Akku im Rahmen

E-Bike Akkupflege

In diesem Beitrag erfährst du, wie du deinen Akku richtig lädst, was du bei der E-Bike Akku-Pflege beachten musst und wie du Schäden vorbeugst.

E-Bike Akkupflege

E-bike service

In this article, you will learn about what maintenance you can perform on your e-bike yourself, when it makes sense to have it serviced in a workshop, and what a service check should include.

E-Bike Inspektion

Wie oft muss mein E-Bike zur Inspektion? Was wird bei einer E-Bike Inspektion gemacht? Und wie hoch sind eigentlich die Kosten? Diese und weitere Fragen beantworten wir dir in diesem Beitrag.

E-bike charging stations

If you plan to go on extended cycling tours with your e-bike, you are going to want to know about charging options along the road. Learn more about e-bike charging stations here.


Everything you need to know about e-bikes. From technology and purchasing to daily use.

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